We Are Your Lighthouse

all the way to China


We light up the Chinese job market for you


> We provide you with a large education job bank covering the whole China
We bridge you to be a qualified businessman with internships
We support you with work permit application
We take care of you after your arrival

TiC can assist in defining what type of company suits you and help you find a job in China, what culture you would excel in, where your skills and value would be preferred, and which city you want to work & live. We guide you through the process; help you to make the best decisions for your professional career. We treat each candidate with total discretion and in absolute confidence.
Do you want to improve your skills, achieve higher goals or embark in a new direction? TiC can help to analyze your abilities, strengths and weaknesses, to define your career goals and priorities. We will provide full supports with you in the process and offer professional advices to develop a customized career plan guiding you on self-presentation and interview preparation for getting a job in China.





> 教育行业,我们有海量的职位覆盖全国
> 贸易行业,我们有完备的实习生计划(针对在华留学生)
> 申请工签,我们有文案支持
> 落地中国,我们还提供入职后的生活帮助


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